Solid State Dimer

The dimer method of Henkelman and Jónsson with improvements by Heyden et al and Kästner and Sherwood for estimating the lowest eigenmode using only first derivatives. 1 2 3

The solid state dimer module extends this method to solid state phase transitions. 4


The SSDimer_atoms is an atoms-like class, which defines suitable set_positions(), get_positions(), get_forces() for the solid-state dimer (SSDimer) method to include cell degrees of freedom in saddle search. It becomes the regular dimer by setting “ss=False”. External stress tensor can be applied by setting “express” to find saddles on enthalpy surfaces.

class SSDimer_atoms(self, R0 = None, mode = None, maxStep = 0.2, dT = 0.1, dR = 0.001,

phi_tol = 5, rotationMax = 4, ss = False, express=np.zeros((3,3)), rotationOpt = ‘cg’, weight = 1):

R0 : an atoms object, which gives the starting point
mode : initial mode (will be randomized if one is not provided)
maxStep : longest distance dimer can move in a single iteration
dT : quickmin timestep
dR : separation distance between the two images of the dimer (the finite difference distance)
phi_tol : rotation converging tolerence, degree
rotationMax : max rotations per translational step
ss : boolean, solid-state dimer or not
express : 3*3 matrix, external stress tensor. Columns are the stress vectors. Needs to be in lower triangular form to avoid rigid rotation.
rotationOpt: the optimization method for the rotation part: choose from “sd” (steepest descent), “cg” (conjugate gradient), and “bfgs”.
weight: extra weight to put on the cell degrees of freedom


from tsase.dimer import ssdimer
d = ssdimer.SSDimer_atoms(R0 = p, rotationMax = 10, phi_tol=3, ss = True)
### Use quickmin optimizer in ssdimer = 0.0001, movie = "", interval = 20 )
### Or use other first order optimizer in ase.
### Second order optimizers cannot be used when "ss = True".
#dyn = MDMin(d)


  1. Henkelman and H. Jónsson, “A dimer method for finding saddle points on high dimensional potential surfaces using only first derivatives,” J. Chem. Phys. 111, 7010-7022 (1999). DOI

  1. Heyden, A.T. Bell, and F.J. Keil, “Efficient methods for finding transition states in chemical reactions: Comparison of improved dimer method and partitioned rational function optimization method,” J. Chem. Phys. 123, 224101 (2005). DOI

  1. Kästner and P. Sherwood, “Superlinearly converging dimer method for transition state search,” J. Chem. Phys. 128, 014106 (2008) DOI

  1. Xiao, D. Sheppard, J. Rogal, and G. Henkelman, “Solid-state dimer method for calculating solid-solid phase transitions”, J. Chem. Phys. 140, 174104 (2014). DOI