

This library is an extension of ASE. A working version must be installed before use of TSASE.

A read-only copy of the code can be anonymously checked out of the subversion repository with the following command:

svn co

If you are a developer you can checkout the code using the command:

svn co svn+ssh://

This will fetch a copy of the latest code to a local directory named tsase.

The tsase code can also be download directly at tarfile.

Build Calculators

Assuming that TSASE was downloaded to $HOME, go to $HOME/tsase/tsase and run:


By default, the GNU compiler collection is used for the compilation. If an alternate compiler suite is desired (for instance, Intel compilers), edit the value of the FCOMP variable in $HOME/tsase/tsase/Makefile to intelem.

To list possible values for FCOMP, run the following:

f2py -c --help-fcompiler

Environment Variables

Once you have a local copy of tsase, include the top directory to your $PYTHONPATH. To use the independent scripts, it is recommended to add $HOME/tsase/tsase/bin to your $PATH:

export PATH=$HOME/tsase/bin:$PATH

For more information on subversion read its online documentation.