This class is an addition to the molecular dynamics module in ASE (See ASE for details).
The anderson thermostat couples the dynamics of a system to a heat bath in order to simulate constant NVT simulations. The thermostat is imposed by stochastic collisions of randomly selected particles throughout the simulation. Below defines the various options for this class:
nvtandersen (atoms,timestep,temperature,alpha,tcol,fixcm = True,trajectory=None,logfile=None,loginterval=1, communicator=world,hyperplane=False,eig=None)
atoms : atoms object with list of atoms
timestep : the time step
temperature : the temperature in kT
alpha : the collison strength in the andersen thermostat
tcol : the collision period for the andersen thermostat
fixm : If True, the position and momentum of the center of mass is kept constant
trajectory : file to save a movie of the MD trajectory
logfile : file to save various properties throughout trajectory
loginterval : every time step information is saved in log file
will be in the direction of the degree of freedom taken away
degree of freedom being taken away from the system.
Below is an example of how to use the thermostat:
dyn =,1.0*units.fs,300*units.kB)
### the function step takes a velocity verlet step and applies the andersen thermostep once
f = atoms.get_forces()
f = dyn.step(f)