
The Lanczos method is a way to find the lowest eigenvalue and eigenvector efficiently without building the whole Hessian matrix. At each iteration, a new direction is added to the searching space by timing the Hessian, H, to the previous direction, v. Hv can be evaluated by finite difference: Hv = F(x0+dR*v) - F(x0), where F is the force and dR is the finite difference step, i.e. the separation distance in the dimer method. After ith iteration, the explored space spanned by \(\{ \rm{v, Hv, H^{2}v, \cdots, H^{i-1}v} \}\), which is the Krylov subspace. The lowest eigenvalue usually converges when i is much less than the dimensionality of the system. 1 2


The lanczos_atoms is a subclass of SSDimer_atoms, which employs the Lanczos algorithm to find the lowest curvature mode (the rotational part in ssdimer).

class lanczos_atoms(SSDimer_atoms):

rotationOpt: not valid


from tsase.dimer import lanczos
d = lanczos.lanczos_atoms(p, rotationMax = 10, phi_tol=3, ss = False)
# use quickmin optimizer in ssdimer = 0.0001, movie = "", interval = 20 )
### Or use other first order optimizer in ase.
### Second order optimizers cannot be used when "ss = True".
#dyn = MDMin(d)


  1. Lanczos, “An iteration method for the solution of the eigenvalue problem of linear differential and integral operators”, (United States Government Press Office, 1950).

  1. Zeng, P. Xiao, and G. Henkelman, “Unification of algorithms for minimum mode optimization”, J. Chem. Phys. 140, 044115 (2014). DOI