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How to compile vtstcode into vasp.5.3.5?

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 11:42 pm
by hongyi
Hi all,

I obtain the latest vtsttools as follows:

svn co

Then, I try to compile the vtstcode into vasp.5.3.5, but I can find the following two patches in the source directory:


As you can see, the above two patches are not match with the vasp version I want to compiled into. Any hints
for this issue?


Re: How to compile vtstcode into vasp.5.3.5?

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 3:56 pm
by olemiss
The patches work on main.F and mpi.F. Only the patch file for main_mpi.F has a little issues. I have manually patched the required files. It won't take you too much time.