Hi dear all,
is the format of 'akmc_dynmat.sub' and 'akmc sp.sub' and 'akmc min.sub' should be exactly the same as submission file in VASP?
like this:
#PBS -l walltime=...
#PBS -l cput=...
#PBS -l nodes=...:ppn=...
#PBS -j oe
#PBS -o ll_out
#PBS -N vasp
#PBS -m bea
#PBS -M E-mail address
source /etc/profile.d/modules.sh
module load intel openmpi-intel pgi
export NN=`cat $PBS_NODEFILE | wc -l`
export VASP=/opt1/VASP_4.6/vasp.4.6/vasp_vtst
mpirun /opt1/VASP_4.6/vasp.4.6/vasp_vtst
akmc_sp.sub format
Moderator: moderators
Re: akmc_sp.sub format
Yes, that is right. You may need to customize these scripts for your specific machine, but they should be exactly as if you were to submit the job yourself.