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Windows binaries

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 11:57 pm
by jbaltrus
Well, not to be of nuisance, but how do I suppose to launch/use windows binaries after I unpack them? If I double click cmd window blinks and disappears and I couldn't really find the manual on the website on how to use it. In fact, I couldn't find any manual on the front page

If manual is somewhere where it's obvious I apologize, but would like some guidance how to find it


Re: Windows binaries

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 3:41 am
by graeme
I don't think that anyone in the group uses the windows binaries, so it would be helpful to know if they don't work. Try opening a command prompt and running the bader program from the command line e.g. 'bader CHGCAR'. If you see an error message, let us know so we can fix it.

Re: Windows binaries

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 7:25 am
by elsci
It really works.
But I could not open the output by gaussview 5. It says: Failed to download the file.

Re: Windows binaries

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 10:16 pm
by cmuhich

I am having similar difficulties. I have unpacked the bianaries, but do not know how to install the program. I try typing bader into the cmd, buy all i get is Windows saying that it is not a valid program. what do i need to do to make it run?

Re: Windows binaries

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 10:16 pm
by cmuhich
make that buy a but!
