I want to convert my CONTCAR file into xyz format using con2xyz.pl, so I made a copy of CONTCAR and called it 'ni111.con', then I used the command
con2xyz.pl ni111.con
What I got is:
writing to ni111.xyz
Total: 0
and a ni111.xyz file which does not contain the xyz coordinates.
Am I using this con2xyz.pl script correctly? Thanks a lot. I appreciate your help.
Using con2xyz.pl
Moderator: moderators
Re: Using con2xyz.pl
Because of historical reasons you first need to run vasp2con.pl (as vasp2con.pl CONTCAR) which will generate a CONTCAR.con file. Then use con2xyz.pl on the new .con file.
Re: Using con2xyz.pl
It worked. Thank you, that's very helpful.