NEB path: general doubts
Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 1:25 pm
Dear All,
I work with a reaction path searching for the CH4 adsorption on Ni(111) surface, where CH4 is free to move and Ni slab is fixed. I have been used CI-NEB method from VTST tools with VASP and found a transition state[TS], then I like to perform a reaction path following by using a steepest descent [SD] algorithm from the TS and a normal mode analysis on the path in this system.
I would like to ask some doubts in general,
1. Equivalence of NEB image and SD image
As far as I know *all* the varieties of the NEB methods uses MASS UN-WEIGHTED forces and coordinates for its calculations. So I think - if I do a SD calculation in MASS UN-WEIGHTED coordinates[for xyz and forces] I can find/obtain (or very close geometries of) the converged NEB images during this SD search.
Is it possible ?
Somebody tried this before ie. retracing the NEB images by an SD from a TS?
2. relation between IRC and NEB
The ab-initio guys should familiar with IRC [Intrinsic Reaction Coordinate] calculations.
IRC is nothing but an SD in mass-weighted coordinates[in xyz and forces].
From a book: 'The reaction path in chemistry-current approaches and perspectives',edited
by Dr.D.Heidrich,[Leipzig] it is clear that steepest descent paths( in MASS UN-WEIGHTED *AND* MASS WEIGHTED )are equivalent in terms of the internal coordinate representation.
The main differences are
[1]. centre of mass is moves in mass un-weighted steepest descent.
[2]. centre of mass is not moves in mass weighted steepest descent [IRC]
Did someone checked out the equivalence/relations of IRC obtained points and NEB images ?
Does the movement of the centre of mass in the mass unweighted SD have some siginificat role
in the minimum energy path following ?
Hope someone can give your valuable comment on this matter.
With best regards and thanks in advance
Krishna Mohan
University of Leiden
I work with a reaction path searching for the CH4 adsorption on Ni(111) surface, where CH4 is free to move and Ni slab is fixed. I have been used CI-NEB method from VTST tools with VASP and found a transition state[TS], then I like to perform a reaction path following by using a steepest descent [SD] algorithm from the TS and a normal mode analysis on the path in this system.
I would like to ask some doubts in general,
1. Equivalence of NEB image and SD image
As far as I know *all* the varieties of the NEB methods uses MASS UN-WEIGHTED forces and coordinates for its calculations. So I think - if I do a SD calculation in MASS UN-WEIGHTED coordinates[for xyz and forces] I can find/obtain (or very close geometries of) the converged NEB images during this SD search.
Is it possible ?
Somebody tried this before ie. retracing the NEB images by an SD from a TS?
2. relation between IRC and NEB
The ab-initio guys should familiar with IRC [Intrinsic Reaction Coordinate] calculations.
IRC is nothing but an SD in mass-weighted coordinates[in xyz and forces].
From a book: 'The reaction path in chemistry-current approaches and perspectives',edited
by Dr.D.Heidrich,[Leipzig] it is clear that steepest descent paths( in MASS UN-WEIGHTED *AND* MASS WEIGHTED )are equivalent in terms of the internal coordinate representation.
The main differences are
[1]. centre of mass is moves in mass un-weighted steepest descent.
[2]. centre of mass is not moves in mass weighted steepest descent [IRC]
Did someone checked out the equivalence/relations of IRC obtained points and NEB images ?
Does the movement of the centre of mass in the mass unweighted SD have some siginificat role
in the minimum energy path following ?
Hope someone can give your valuable comment on this matter.
With best regards and thanks in advance
Krishna Mohan
University of Leiden