Problems converging a NEB run
Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 12:00 pm
I am having difficulties converging a NEB run to couple two methylene groups on a surface. I have run several times, trying first the FIRE optimizer to preconverge the run, then switching to the LBFGS. When I examine the run I find the H atoms on the methylene groups switch back and forth between images so there is no smooth variation from initial to final image.
I have seen Andri's warning to watch for H atom crossing in the NEB, and have seen Graeme's post mentioning the use of a small value of MAXMOVE to constrain the optimization, but I could use some guidance on reasonable values for the different parameters. Can you recommend some settings to use for the two optimizers to minimize this probem? (ex., what is a reasonable "small" value for MAXMOVE?)
I have been using the "standard"(?) settings for both:
Fire optimizer (IOPT=7) Parameters listed below
MAXMOVE = 0.2 Maximum allowed step size for translation
TIMESTEP = 0.1 Initial dynamical time step
FTIMEMAX = 1.0 Maximum dynamical time step allowed
FTIMEDEC = 0.5 Factor to decrease dt
FTIMEINC = 1.1 Factor to increase dt
FALPHA = 0.1 Parameter that controls velocity damping
FALPHADEC = 0.99 Factor to decrease alpha
FNMIN = 5 Minimum number of iterations before adjusting alpha and dt
LBFGS optimizer (IOPT=1) Parameters listed below
MAXMOVE = 0.2 Maximum allowed step size for translation
ILBFGSMEM = 20 Number of steps saved when building the inverse Hessian matrix
LGLOBAL = .TRUE. Optimize the NEB globally instead of image-by-image
INVCURV = 0.01 Initial inverse curvature, used to construct the inverse Hessian matrix
LLINEOPT = .FALSE. Use a force based line minimizer for translation
FDSTEP = 5E-3 Finite difference step size for line optimizer
I have seen Andri's warning to watch for H atom crossing in the NEB, and have seen Graeme's post mentioning the use of a small value of MAXMOVE to constrain the optimization, but I could use some guidance on reasonable values for the different parameters. Can you recommend some settings to use for the two optimizers to minimize this probem? (ex., what is a reasonable "small" value for MAXMOVE?)
I have been using the "standard"(?) settings for both:
Fire optimizer (IOPT=7) Parameters listed below
MAXMOVE = 0.2 Maximum allowed step size for translation
TIMESTEP = 0.1 Initial dynamical time step
FTIMEMAX = 1.0 Maximum dynamical time step allowed
FTIMEDEC = 0.5 Factor to decrease dt
FTIMEINC = 1.1 Factor to increase dt
FALPHA = 0.1 Parameter that controls velocity damping
FALPHADEC = 0.99 Factor to decrease alpha
FNMIN = 5 Minimum number of iterations before adjusting alpha and dt
LBFGS optimizer (IOPT=1) Parameters listed below
MAXMOVE = 0.2 Maximum allowed step size for translation
ILBFGSMEM = 20 Number of steps saved when building the inverse Hessian matrix
LGLOBAL = .TRUE. Optimize the NEB globally instead of image-by-image
INVCURV = 0.01 Initial inverse curvature, used to construct the inverse Hessian matrix
LLINEOPT = .FALSE. Use a force based line minimizer for translation
FDSTEP = 5E-3 Finite difference step size for line optimizer