problem with aKMC run
Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 9:15 pm
I tried to run the test example of aKMC, however it fails each time, I use the following script for akmc_dynmat.sub, etc
Do you think there is a problem with my script.
Thanks in advance,
#PBS -k eo
#PBS -A lc_swh
#PBS -N akmc-test
#PBS -o my.out
#PBS -e my.err
#PBS -l walltime=02:00:00,nodes=0006:myri:ppn=2
# The following should contain your program and any arguments
set mycommand = "/home/ali/akmc/vasp"
if ($?PBS_JOBID) then # if this is a PBS job
echo "Starting" $PBS_JOBID `date`
echo "Initiated on `hostname`"
echo ""
cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR # connect to working directory of qsub
echo "This script must be run as a PBS jobs"
exit 1
if ($?PBS_NODEFILE) then
# count the number of processors assigned by PBS
set NP = `wc -l $PBS_NODEFILE | awk '{print $1}'`
echo Running on $NP processors: `cat $PBS_NODEFILE`
echo "This job did not have the number of nodes specified with"
echo "the node= resource"
exit 1
cd /home/ali/akmc
# run the program
module swap pnnl_env pnnl_env/i4
mpiexec $mycommand
echo "Done " `date`
I tried to run the test example of aKMC, however it fails each time, I use the following script for akmc_dynmat.sub, etc
Do you think there is a problem with my script.
Thanks in advance,
#PBS -k eo
#PBS -A lc_swh
#PBS -N akmc-test
#PBS -o my.out
#PBS -e my.err
#PBS -l walltime=02:00:00,nodes=0006:myri:ppn=2
# The following should contain your program and any arguments
set mycommand = "/home/ali/akmc/vasp"
if ($?PBS_JOBID) then # if this is a PBS job
echo "Starting" $PBS_JOBID `date`
echo "Initiated on `hostname`"
echo ""
cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR # connect to working directory of qsub
echo "This script must be run as a PBS jobs"
exit 1
if ($?PBS_NODEFILE) then
# count the number of processors assigned by PBS
set NP = `wc -l $PBS_NODEFILE | awk '{print $1}'`
echo Running on $NP processors: `cat $PBS_NODEFILE`
echo "This job did not have the number of nodes specified with"
echo "the node= resource"
exit 1
cd /home/ali/akmc
# run the program
module swap pnnl_env pnnl_env/i4
mpiexec $mycommand
echo "Done " `date`