VTST and VASP licensing

Vasp transition state theory tools

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VTST and VASP licensing

Post by brockp »

The readme file in the VASP source (pasted below), states that the VASP source may not be modified.

VTST is a sort of modification. Did UT get permission from the VASP team to create and distribute these changes? Can this be made explicit some place?

The README file in the VASP source code says this:

Georg Kresse email: Georg.Kresse@univie.ac.at
Juergen Hafner email: Juergen.Hafner@univie.ac.at
Institut fuer Materialphysik voice: +43-1-4277-51402
Uni Wien, Sensengasse 8/12 fax: +43-1-4277-9514 (or 9513)
A-1090 Wien, AUSTRIA http://cms.mpi.univie.ac.at/kresse

This program comes without any warranty.
No part of this program must be distributed, modified, or supplied
to any other person for any reason whatsoever without prior written
permission of Georg Kresse and Juergen Hafner
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Re: VTST and VASP licensing

Post by graeme »

We have been pretty careful to distribute the vtstcode as a set of independent source files which can be linked into the vasp source, rather than as modifications of the vasp source directly. I do not believe that we are redistributing vasp source or violating the vasp license. Everyone who uses the vtstcode must have a vasp license. But to answer your question directly, we do not have permission from the vasp developers to distribution the vtstcode and we do not feel required to obtain it. Our additions to vasp are freely available code, and I believe, beneficial to the vasp community.

If there are any concerns about this, I would be happy to discuss it.
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Re: VTST and VASP licensing

Post by mtgarvey »

I agree with Graeme that his group is not violating the licence agreement by offering an addition to the vasp source.

brockp, I assume you are trying to make sure you do not violate the agreement by using the vtstcode. While I don't know of any official endorsement by the vasp group, they do mention the Henkelman Group codes on their Resources page (link below).
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