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NEB compilation for vasp4.36 (bbm.F)

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 8:49 pm
by ravi.agarwal
I am trying to compile NEB with vasp4.6. I downloaded the package vtstcode_v2.04b.tar.gz
I made the following changes in main.F as instructed
bfgs.o dynmat.o instanton.o lbfgs.o sd.o cg.o dimer.o bbm.o \
fire.o lanczos.o neb.o qm.o opt.o

On compilation i got the error
make: *** No rule to make target `bbm.o', needed by `vasp'. Stop.
From my understanding this is because there is no bbm.F file in source code.
bbm.F is provided in vtstcode.tar.gz but not in vtstcode_v2.04b.tar.gz.
Should I just go ahead and copy bbm.F from vtstcode.tar.gz to my source for vasp4.36.
Your help will be highly appreciated.

Re: NEB compilation for vasp4.36 (bbm.F)

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 11:57 pm
by graeme
If you are compiling v2.04b, then remove the bbm.o object from the makefile.