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Very slow work units

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 7:24 pm
by CMmoose
Have 2 WUs that are going very slowly - 2141790457_762_0 and 2141790457_1283_0

I'll let them run a bit longer but something is very odd.

Edit make that 3 WUs - 2141790457_2095_0 as well. Instead of 15 mins per WU it's more like 3 hours.

Re: Very slow work units

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 11:27 pm
I have had about 10 or so in the last day. I let them run until complete and they were good. Got 40 points for longest one. no percentage change until last 30 minutes then it goes real fast. but they are still good WUs

Re: Very slow work units

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 11:29 pm
they run from 3 to 4 hours.

Re: Very slow work units

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 3:58 am
by CMmoose
Looks like we have some more of these long WUs - 210773455_4540_0 estimates to 3 hours for completion.

Edit - seems like Boinc manager has a problem estimating completion time as they're more like 30 mins - but the manager shows 3 hours.

Re: Very slow work units

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 9:24 pm
by DigiK-oz
Just got a bunch of WU's that are running very long (for eOn standards). They've been running for about 4 hours and just passed the 80% mark. No problem, BUT...the WU's have no checkpointing! So, if I shutdown my computer now, I would lose about 8*4 = 32 hours of work :(

With the short WU's, this is of course no issue. But for the longer ones I think checkpointing is mandatory. There are actually people out there that do not run their PC 24/7 you know. Also, the deadline is rather short for WU's this size.

EDIT: Great, they all got status "aborting task, exceeded elapsed time limit" after 4:45 hours or so :(