about the use of nebconvergence.pl

Vasp transition state theory tools

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about the use of nebconvergence.pl

Post by hakuna »

Dear all:
if nebconvergence.pl tell me:
In 01 ...
mv: cannot stat 'vaspout1.eps': No such file or directory
In 02 ...
mv: cannot stat 'vaspout2.eps': No such file or directory
In 03 ...
mv: cannot stat 'vaspout3.eps': No such file or directory
In 04 ...
How to deal with it? which script can generate the 'vaspoutx.eps' ?

by the way, the vtstscripts was unzipped to ~hakuna/bin/vtstscripts-933 and the path was defined in .bashrc as
is it ok?

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Re: about the use of nebconvergence.pl

Post by graeme »

Start by making sure that you have gnuplot installed.

If you do, and you still have problems, you can attach a .tar.gz of the NEB calculation, I will see if something went wrong with it.
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