
Molecular dynamics based upon Newton’s classical equations of motion.

[Dynamics] Options

time_step: The duration of each MD step, in femtoseconds.

default: 1

time: How long the MD simulation will be performed, in femtoseconds.

default: 1000.0


default: none


none: NVE dynamics with the verlet algorithm. Initial velocities set by temperature.

andersen: Andersen thermostat with the Verlet algorithm.

langevin: Langevin thermostat with the Verlet algorithm.

andersen_collision_period: The collision period (in fs) for the Andersen thermostat.

default: 100.0

andersen_alpha: The collision strength in the Andersen thermostat.

default: 1.0

langevin_friction: The damping coefficient for Langevin dynamics (1/fs).

default: 0.01