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Bader Parameters (BCP, Energy Densities)

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 12:24 pm
by tkraemer
Hi all,

after reading some of the forum posts concerning bond critical points and their associated parameters, I was wondering
if it is now possible to perform such an analysis with bader? I am using CP2K which outputs a density cube file, and
this seems to work fine with bader. However, I am more interested in a complete Bader AIM analysis rather than volumes and
charges. Of course I could resort to the software usually employed in such studies, but I found the idea of using the density
from a periodic DFT calculation quite appealing. If this feature is currently not available, is there any progress on the development
and a release in foreseeable future? I know that these things take time to implement, I am just curious if there is something
happening in this direction?

Thanks for your help
