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compilation of VTST3.0d in VASP 5.3.3

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 2:25 pm
by lsl

I was trying to compile VTST3.0d in VASP 5.3.3 with GNU compilers, and my compilation stopped with the following error message:


WRITE(IU6,'(A,9X,<NBAS>I5)') ' Bond-Boost: BALIST',BALIST(:)
Error: Unexpected element '<' in format string at (1)
make: *** [bbm.o] Error 1

I had a look at the source code of bbm.f, and in Line 348 of bbm.f, I found "WRITE(IU6,'(A,9X,<NBAS>I5)') ' Bond-Boost: BALIST',BALIST(:)". I had a little search of the internet and it looks like the <NBAS> format is not compatible with gfortran compiler. Unfortunately, my knowledge of programming is quite limited. Can you suggest what should I do in order to get over with this error message?

Many thanks!
